It's not very often that we get lucky enough to meet a person who interprets for us the definition of life in more meaningful ways. It's not common that we meet a person that we feel is truly honest and continuously inspiring.
Faces is a personal project. As it's name explains the project is all about faces.They are of people whom I love and admire. People who have inspired me and people who continue to do so. People who have made a difference in my life. Some of them are not admirable at all. But they have still have made a difference. They have made me ask questions that I may not have asked if not for them.
I have had very different kinds of relationships with these faces. With some I have had very personal relationships. There are other faces I have known only from TV and books. I've known some of the faces all my life. There are faces I've known only for a moment. Some of these faces have had a greater impact on my life than they would have have imagined.
Who ever they are or what ever they have been in their lives, they have all been part of my life.
Note: The faces are not posted in any significant order.
I purposely wanted to keep some of the more personal faces anonymous and so it was only fair to keep all of the faces nameless.