Face 002

How and where did he get all his inspirations and ideas from is what I wonder most when ever I think of this man. He was exceptionally different and foresaw the future. He knew how things could be tackled and how his goals could be achieved. But his ideas were so different that, if he was not as stubborn as he was, others could have easily convinced him that he was wrong.

In one of this man's biographies by Subadhra Sen Gupta, he says in numerous ways that this was a shy man. It seems he couldn't deliver his speeches on several occasions due to his shyness that made him nervous. But that's not what I saw when I watched the movie 'Gandhi'. I saw a very determined man delivering his speeches fluently. Maybe there was a little exaggeration there in the movie.

What's clear is that this man lived honestly. He talked what he believed and lived what he talked. He held on to what he believed. He possessed little and needed little. He was not afraid of losing and he had almost nothing to lose even if he did lose. Selflessness, stubbornness, patience and a sane mind are the tools he used to win poeple's hearts and eventually the freedom of his country.

To make millions of uneducated people listen to a single man and follow him in a time when there was no radio or television is a task unimaginable to me. This man did it.